About us
We welcome new members who are trans (any part of the trans spectrum), family, friends and advocates.
For decades, NWGA has been about several things - peer support, regular fun activities, and education. Our education has included public service agencies and many other organizations on trans*, gender fluidity, non-binary identities, and more.
Now in the early 2020’s, we are finding a new stride in strengthening our mission - our public education offerings, increased advocacy, and community building. All while maintaining our regular and seasonal fun activities!
As of 2018, we’re thrilled to say that our mission will endure for decades more - through our principle partnership with Pride Northwest as our gracious sponsor! Pride Northwest supports many LGBTQ+ organizations in elevating, advocating, and truly transforming lives in tangible ways–large and small. We’re so very grateful for the investment they’ve made in us!
At a time when showing one’s face on the street was meet with scorn, ridicule, and police apathy towards victims of violence and discrimination, it was time to organize. Formed in 1980, The Northwest Gender Alliance (NWGA) is one of the oldest continuously functioning trans groups in the United States.
The group, more like a club at the time, met in private homes. Later, members pooled their money and rented a house for their meetings—a club-house if you will. But then neighbors complained, and the group started using the Potter’s House church’s dining hall. Members of the church joined in many of the yearly events held. About the same time the Potter House closed and the Q Center opened at their original location near OMSI. And when the Q Center moved to their north Mississippi address NWGA came along with them and have been meeting there ever since.
Early meetings focused on mutual support, deportment, make up and clothing—as well as safe outings in the community. But it wasn’t long until certain bold members became activist. Roni Lang for one went to Portland’s city hall to speak with then Mayor Bud Clark and the police chief. Soon the police’s ongoing training included transgender sensitivity. Later, after meetings with Mayor Vera Katz, the training effort continued as she held a town hall meeting with members of the trans community. When the Police Review Board was established, two NWGA members were appointed. Individuals wishing to become police officers would be interviewed by this board. And if there were problems with an officer’s action, they would have to go back and answer to the Board. Between trainings and the review board, great strides were made in dealing with trans people in crisis situations.
Later, two NWGA members spoke to the Oregon legislature hearings when the issue of marriage equality was being decided on. Many of our members have gone on to serve in other organizations around the region, including Basic Rights Oregon, TransActive, Human Rights Commission, GLISEN, GLAPEN, the Q Center, at least three chapters of the Imperial Sovereign Court, PFLAG, YWCA, and others.
Since 1980 we’ve had in excess of 3,500 members
NWGA started out as a group of crossdressers who welcomed “transsexuals” (as they were known then). Today, our demographics are very different. Many, if not most of our members stayed long enough to solidify their transition, and then moved on. Originally we thought of them as lost members, but upon further reflection they got what they needed and moved on. We call that graduating.
Another change within the last 42 years is the explosion of trans groups in the Pacific Northwest. In 1980, folks were coming down from Seattle for a three-hour meeting. In 1983, those long commuting members formed the Emerald City Club of Seattle. They in turn had members from British Columbia who made regular trips to Seattle. In 1986 The Cornbury Society was formed in Vancouver, BC. Since then, dozens of groups have sprung up all over Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. Many of these groups are either regional or niche oriented, such as for trans men, non-binary & Trans/Intersex.
Today the understanding of those who are transgender has greatly improved since the ’80’s. Terminology is rapidly changing to represent these new understandings. The advent of the internet has created an environment where people can learn about themselves and others in the privacy of their homes.
Public education is a hallmark of NWGA’s efforts, providing classes for a large number of groups, organizations, employers, schools and governmental agencies. We also participate in events like Portland Pride, Vancouver USA Pride celebration and the Peace and Justice Fair in Vancouver, WA. Every year we speak to thousands of people, sharing our stories and helping people to understand that we are just like them—with one exception. Focus is given on social interactions that don’t offend or trigger others.
In our 42nd year we find ourselves as relevant as ever, as the need for education, safe social functions and 1-on-1 support continues. We welcome new members who are trans (any part of the trans spectrum), family, friends and advocates.