Get involved
We have numerous ways for you to be a part of our beautiful community in the greater Portland/Vancouver area!
Benefits of being a member
Give and receive community connections & support
Help plan activities for and direction of NWGA
Provide and receive couples support
Lead public and community education & outreach activities
Sharing LGBTQI+ resource providers
Build a social home/extended family
Ability to attend and lead monthly meetings
Fun and exciting social events/activities
Looking for folx to have a swim party with? Drinks and a few games of pool? Coffee or tea at an open mic night? We love creating affirming spaces for folx of all interests and walks of life - everyone should have a place to belong, hang out, and have some fun!
Interested in creating new and fun events for the group? Feel free to email us your ideas info@nwgenderalliance.org
Political endeavors/activism
We fight for gender diverse folx to have greater freedoms. Whether it’s healthcare rights, school rules, or anti-discrimination laws, we work to make our community a safer and more open place for all kinds of people.
Personal Growth
Your voice is essential to build community, strengthen relationships and to create lasting change from simple visions. As a member of NWGA, you have the opportunity to build your community and support network - celebrate your gender journey, get support from other people that understand your struggles, find knowledge and resources, or help mentor someone else. We all have something to learn from each other!
Looking for other ways to be involved as a member? We are always looking for members interested in joining the board. Just let us know!
Monthly support groups
We'd love for you to be a part our monthly support groups, board meetings, annual fairs and community building social activities. Let's find out more about you and how we can benefit from your gifts and passions.
Our online support meeting is held every Sunday @ 6 p.m. Visit us on Facebook for more info.
Our open meeting at the Q Center in N.E. Portland is on the 2nd Saturday every month @ 2 p.m.
4115 N. Mississippi Ave. Portland, OR 97217
Social transformation
Legal protections or not, communities may not understand or accept trans and gender diverse folx. Intersectionality is also important - the other communities we belong to can mean and affect a lot:
There’s always something going on, join us
Education & outreach
Speakers Bureau
NWGA has for many years partnered with nonprofit organizations, companies, and others to celebrate and educate about gender diversity - we are stronger together!
This hands-on work can pave the way for gender diverse folx in future social settings, while also building your communication and leadership skills. Once you’re a member of NWGA, we can train you in effective volunteering methods and how to educate others on what gender identity, fluidity and non-conformity really means through our ongoing workshops and panel discussions.
We lead discussions and presentations with the following types of organizations:
Police departments
Healthcare providers
Local schools
Various non-profit organizations
And more!
With our Trans 101 class, a panel of two or more members will begin with a description of their life experiences, then the audience is usually allowed time to ask questions and open a dialog on transgender acceptance.
Our Trans 201 class focuses more attention on how to interact with trans people in the work place. A class will be divided into groups of five or six and are assigned to discuss how to handle the needs of a new employee who is transgender and how to deal with other employees who have difficulty with accepting a transgender co-worker. The focus is on education, realization as well as conflict prevention and resolution.
The panels are designed to meet the needs of the audience. For example, speakers who've had both good and bad experiences in dealing with churches would be selected for a church audience. A similar concept would be used for medical school students, university psychology classes, retail establishments, human resource departments, Veterans Hospital, etc.
The purpose of the Speakers Bureau is to help the audience to learn about transgender people and understand their needs. Retail companies, such as clothing stores, that institute a ‘Trans Sensitivity’ class usually see an increase in sales and a reduction of embarrassment that can prohibit good customer service. Companies and organizations benefit by learning how to help transgender clients in a professional, mature, dignified, and non-discriminatory manner. Both the state Oregon and Washington have laws protecting the rights of transgendered people.
If you are interested in having the Speakers Bureau visit your organization please email info@nwgenderalliance.org
We also have members work at event booths to provide this education in other settings. Don’t hesitate - help us educate today!
NWGA’s goal…
is to create welcoming spaces for gender diverse folx of all backgrounds, and provide culturally competent education about gender diversity to all communities. We want love and acceptance to win everywhere for everyone, one person at a time.
Our new website is yet another signal of a renewed vigor & vision of NWGA. A vision which encourages more active engagement from all who celebrate the many gender & genderless expressions and seek to find themselves reflected in a beautifully diverse culture.
Certainly a true reflection includes people of color, differently abled, youth and others that have either just begun their gender journey or have challenged gender norms for decades.