Welcome to Northwest Gender Alliance
One of the oldest, continually operated transgender and gender-variant organizations in the country!
We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be, and we are what we love. That’s OK.
— Laverne Cox
Be empowered, connect with others who are embracing and celebrating their diversity, while learning and teaching others what it means to live authentically.
For 40+ years we've been educating, celebrating & providing support in the Pacific Northwest
Need help right now?
Call the Transgender Crisis Hotline @ 877-565-8860
or visit The Trevor Project

Activities & events
Join us for our regular meetings, social activities, booths for PRIDE and cultural fairs as well as seasonal events
Whether in-person or online, we’d love to have you join us
Become a member today
You are a beautiful expression of diversity. Bring your unique voice, perspective and passion to our growing organization. Help us be even more of a reflection of the trans, non-binary & gender queer/fluid community!
Our path isn’t always clear, yet we move through the confusion and distraction with the understanding that there is more to myself
How we relate to ourselves and others is central to life.
Trans, gender non-conforming, gender fluid and all who break free of the cultural norms find themselves learning new ways to navigate established relationships and cultivate new ones rooted in a more authentic sense of self

Get to know our history
Our resources
See our growing curated list of providers, organizations and websites